Vampires of New Orleans Series


Blood and Water-Book 1

It is about a brother and sister. They are vampires. Their parents were killed when they were young. The brother is the leader of the clan. His sister is killed by someone who they thought had died a long time ago. His need for revenge leads him into trouble. He doesn’t trust anyone around him.

“The vampires think they rule New Orleans. But there’s a storm coming, and its name is Katrina. Before the night is over, the blood will be rising faster than the water.

Laissez les bon temps rouler!”

Status: Revising

Fire and Ice-Book 2

The brother continues to seek revenge while fighting off a new enemy in the form of a family member that he thought he could trust. Will his life finally end or will he come out of it the winner. How many more people will die before it’s all said and done with.

Status: Revising

Heaven and Hell-Book 3

The brother and his girlfriend are fighting each other and another new enemy. Along the way people they thought dead are still alive and come back. Can they handle the results of all this or will they die from it. Who dies and who makes it out will be left to be seen.

Status: Revising